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No celestial body controls the movement of the planets; gravity does. The sun serves as the center of Earth's solar system and provides the greatest gravitational force. This causes the other planets to revolve around the sun. Planets' distances from the sun affect their speed. For instance, Jupiter, which is about 5 times farther from the sun than the Earth is, takes far longer than a year to circle the sun not only because it is farther, but also because the distance weakens gravity and causes it to go slower because it is trying to move out of the Sun's pull.

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Q: What celestial body controls the movement of the planets?
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Celestial body is only a general name for an object in the sky, particlarly applied to the night sky (but including the Sun). The moon, stars, planets, etc., are considered celestial bodies. Most of them were identified by the ancients; in modern times the more distant planets from Earth were discovered by use of more powerful telescopes.

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