

What cell phone batteries hold the longest charge?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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10y ago

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The battery brand itself doesn't matter. It depends on how much charge the battery can hold. A good way to improve battery life is to charge it only when your phone is down to the last bar . Don't charge it unnecessary.

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Q: What cell phone batteries hold the longest charge?
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How do you get batteries to have more power?

well if it is something like a cell phone you can charge it, but usually you need to replace them

Buy Extra Cell Phone Batteries When You Like Your Phone?

Cell phone models change quickly, and there is no guarantee the phone you have now will have new batteries available when you want them in a year or two. If you plan on keeping your cellphone for longer than a couple of years, it makes sense to invest in extra cell phone batteries while you can. Keep one extra battery on hand and swap it out once your cellphone stops lasting as long as you want it to last on a charge. If you haven't used it within a year, swap your batteries at that point to protect your charge.

Searching for Cell Phone Batteries for Sale?

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Can you buy cell phone batteries in any common shop?

There is always a possibility of finding cell phone batteries in any shop. But I would buy cell phone batteries at your local cell phone retailer, or the company that made your phone.

Do rechargable batteries have the same issues as cell phone batteries, where if you charge them too soon they remember and then can't hold a charge for as long as they once could?

Rechargable NiMH batteries will have memory issues, but are so cheap it's often not an issue.

Which of these will last the longest?

The cell that lasts the longest will have the most batteries in parallel or serial.

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the batteries

Where online, can I find replacement cell phone batteries?

You can find replacement cell phone batteries at many places online. Your best option would be to do a search for cell phone batteries and shop around for the best price.

What exactly can cell phone batteries do?

Cell phone batteries are the power behind your phone. In order for the electronics to work, to broadcast a signal and to receive one you need to have power.

Where are some good places to shop for cell phone batteries?

There are many places where one could purchase cell phone batteries. One could visit their local T Mobile or Sprint retail outlet for purchasing cell phone batteries.

Do nokia cell phone batteries come with a warrenty?

yes nokia cell phone batteries sometimes do come with a warrenty depending on where you buy it and rather or not its new cell phone batteries of very expensive so its best to buy new with an warrenty