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the cell wall

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2d ago

Cellulose is a structural polysaccharide found in plant cell walls. It provides rigidity and support to the cell, helping to maintain its shape and structure.

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What structure is made of cellulose?

Cellulose is a major component of plant cell walls, providing structural support and rigidity to the plant. It forms long chains of glucose molecules that are organized into microfibrils, which in turn bundle together to form fibers.

What is the protective structure that is in a cell?

A cell wall is the protective structure of a plant. It is made up of cellulose.

What is the Stiff structure outside the cell membrane?

This is the cell wall. In bacteria it is made of peptidoglycan and in plants it is made of cellulose.

What is the structure of a plant cell wall?

plant cell walls are made of cellulose, which makes them rigid

What is the cell structure of a Venus Flytrap?

All have cell walls. They are made of Cellulose. All of their walls have chloroplast.

What plant tissue is made of cell wall?

Plant incorporate cellulose into their cell walls, which give them a rigid structure.

Do splints contain cellulose?

Splints made of wood do contain cellulose. Cellulose is the main building block of plant material. Cellulose provides structure and strength to plant cell walls.

Where is cellulose found in a cell and what is it function?

The cellulose is found in the cell wall and its function is to protect the cell by providing it with structure.

What is cell structure of red algae?

Reg algae are Eukaryotic, and have a double cell-wall. The first cell wall is made of pectin, and the second is made of cellulose.

Which carbohydrates makes up the structure of plant cell walls?

Cellulose is the carbohydrate that makes up the cell wall in plants. :)

What plant tissue is made up of cell walls?

Plant incorporate cellulose into their cell walls, which give them a rigid structure.

What do plants develop cellulose for?

Cellulose gives structure and strength to the cell wall.