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they had a pankake and a neclase thats not the answer or is it yesss

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Q: What cells produce the precursor enzyme of hydrochloric acid?
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Related questions

Does the gallbladder produce hydrochloric acid?

No, the gall bladder does not produce hydrochloric acid the oxyntic cell (chief cells) produce the hydrochloric acid.

Which hormones stimulate gastric juice secretion?

You have the glands in the wall of stomach. You have the cells that secrete the mucus. You have the chief cells that secrete the precursor of the enzyme pepsin. This precursor is called as pepsinogen. Then you have the parietal cells that produce the hydrochloric acid. You have the hormones that induce the production of the gastric juice, when food enters the stomach. The same is controlled through the autonomic nervous system also. Like when you see or smell the food.

The parietal cells in this organ produce hydrochloric acid?


How do living cells produce H2O2?

Yes,they do produce H2O2.They are broken by catalase enzyme.

What other cells work with the parietal cell?

Mast cells and EC (enterochromaffin) cells produce histamine, which stimulates the parietal cell to produce hydrochloric acid.

Gastrin secretes what?

pepsinogen (a precursor of pepsin) which helps humans digest, when activated by HCL.

Why does cancer grow out of control?

cancer cells it produce an enzyme (telomerase) that make cells dividing uncontrolled.

What is the precursor cell to sperm cells?

Spermatogenesis is a process where germ cells are produced by mitosis and meiosis. Sprmatogonium is a precursor cells (2n) produce primary spermatocytes (2n) and sucessive secondary spermatocytes(n). This in turn converted as spermatids (n) and give rise mature sperm cells (spermatozoa).

Which binary compound helps digest food in your stomach?

Hydrochloric acid. It turns inactive Pepsinogen enzyme secreted by Chief cells into enzyme Pepsin witch in turn the Pep-tide bond between Amine acids. Hydrochloric acid is secreted by Oxyntic cells and it takes lot of Energy to get high concentration of Hydrogen ions into the secretion, witch may be million times more than plasma.

What organ has chief and parietal cells?

Chief and parietal cells are found in the fundic zone of the stomach.Chief cells produce pepsinogen, and parietal cells produce hydrochloric acid. Both of these products assist in the chemical breakdown of stomach contents.

What does the parietal cell in the stomach make?

Parietal cells are found in the fundic zone of the stomach. Their main function is to produce hydrochloric acid, which assists in the chemical breakdown of food.

Where is the precursor of all lines of blood cells found?

The precursor of all lines of blood cells is the hemocytoblast.