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Q: What cellular transport process is cholesterol taken up from the blood?
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The cellular transport mechanism that depends upon blood pressure?

Passive transport is the cellular transport mechanism. This all depends on the blood pressure.

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Transport system.

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Platelets are the cellular fraction in blood helps to clot the blood. This process is also known as coagulation.

What transport carriers enable fat and cholesterol to travel through the blood and lymph?

chylomicrons pg 147 :)

What do lipoproteins transport?

HDL'S ( high density lipoproteins) transport cholesterol from the bloodstream to the liver to be degraded and excreted. LDL'S are somties refferred to as carrying the "bad" cholesterol, whereas HDL'S carry the "good" cholesterol.

What is the type of blood fat that helps transport cholesterol out of the arteries?

It is known as high density lippo-proteins, or HDL for short.

Giveme one example of endocytosis?

White blood cells use phagocytosis (a type of endocytosis) to engulf and remove foreign particles in the blood stream.

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The active transport of penicillin from the blood into the nephron is an example of the process of?

tubular secretion

Quantitative determination of cholesterol in the blood?

TC ,or total serum cholesterol, is a quantitative analysis of cholesterol in the patients blood. The type of cholesterol is as important as the quantity of cholesterol.