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Q: What center line is an indication of a no passing zone?
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What is a dashed line?

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What is dash line?

A passing zone.

What does a solid yellow line to the right of the center of the highway mean?

It means you cannot pass. If you had a dashed yellow line, you would be allowed to pass.

What does it mean when there is a yellow striped line on the road?

You are in a passing zone, and it is safe and legal to pass.

What does a solid yellow line on your side of the road indicate?

A center line that is solid yellow signifies a no passing zone for the lane the line is on. A double yellow line means no passing for either lane. A broken yellow line means you can pass another vehicle.

Can a driver who crosses a solid line on the right of the center line of the highway be issued a ticket for the violaton in the state of Florida?

yes, because it is illegal.Additional: As described in the question BOTH the dashed line and the solid line ARE the dividing line of the roadway separating opposing lanes of travel. The solid line appearing on YOUR side of the dashed line ALWAYS indicates a NO PASSING zone.

Which of the following is not a place that is too dangerous to pass?

When You May Not Pass You may not pass on a two-lane road with traffic moving in opposite directions under these conditions: � Where you see a �DO NOT PASS� or �NO PASSING ZONE� sign. The prohibition of passing in a no-passing zone does not apply when an obstruction exists making it necessary to drive to the left of the center of the highway [s 316.0875(3) F.S.]. Thus, when a cyclist is traveling so slowly as to constitute an �obstruction,� a motorist may cross the center line in a no-passing zone if the way is clear to do so, i.e., when it can be seen that oncoming traffic is far enough away the pass may be completed before coming within 200 feet of an oncoming vehicle. � Where a solid yellow line is painted on your side of the center line. � On hills or curves, and at intersections. � Within 100 feet of a bridge, viaduct, tunnel, or railroad crossing. Violators may be arrested or issued a ticket.

Is it legal to pass on the right in a no passing zone?

No its not legal that's why they say NO PASSING ZONE

What does a no passing zone sign?

It means that you cannot pass any vehicles in that zone. It can also signify that the passing zone has ended.

What indicates a no passing zone?

Double yellow lines, which are solid and not dotted, indicates a no passing zone.

What type of road would you find a double solid line?

It describes a no passing zone of a two-lane road with opposing lanes of travel.

What line of longitude would be at the center of the time zone containing the prime meridian?

That would be zero degrees longitude.