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Q: What century was rice introduced to England?
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Soccer was introduced in it's modern way in England in late 19th century

What year were school uniforms invented?

in england, they were first introduced during the reign of king henry VIII (15th-16th century), but that's only england

When was English language introduced to England?

The English language was introduced to England around the 5th century AD by Germanic tribes, primarily the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. These tribes brought their language to the British Isles during the Anglo-Saxon settlement.

When were forks introduced to England?

The Romans were using them in the second century AD, they were being used in Italy by the 14th century. But they were slower to catch on in Northern Europe, being viewed as an excessively fussy "affectation". In most of northern Europe and England, they were not in common use until the 18th century. Most of Europe, however was using the fork at table (except for the peasant classes) by the 16th century.

When was rice introduced to the America's?


How was rice introduced into the Carolina colony?

it was introduced in early 1700s with seeds from Madagascar

What is the history of rice?

Rice originated in the Yangtze River valley in China, and rapidly expanded across Southeast Asia, India, and Nepal more than 4,200 years ago. Rice has been cultivated in Africa for 3,500 years. The Moors brought rice to Spain in the 10th century. Muslims also brought rice to Sicily. After the 15th century, rice spread throughout Italy and then France. In the 1520s, the Spanish introduced rice to Mexico and the Portuguese and enslaved Africans introduced it to Brazil. In 1694, rice arrived in South Carolina. Plantation owners sought out enslaved Africans from the Senegambia area of West Africa and from coastal Sierra Leone for their knowledge of rice cultivation. After 1849, an estimated 40,000 Chinese laborers immigrated to California and began growing rice there.

Who introduced rice to japan?

Chinese preists

Where was Cricket started?

Cricket originated in England and is now played in over 100 countries.

When was Mexican culture introduced?

it was introduced in the early 20th century

What was the main religion in medieval England?

The main religion in 11th century England was Christianity. You can see many examples Christianity had on 11th century England through the many cathedrals introduced during this time including: York Minster Durham Cathedral, Canterbury Cathedral, Lincoln Cathedral, and Wells Cathedral.

What food is eaten in feudal japan?

The food of Feudal Japan consisted manly of rice and various herbs and beans stuff like potatoes were not introduced until the Spanish and Portuguese made contact in the mid 16th century Chicken, Beef and Pork were introduced through trade with mainland Asia. Drinks that were enjoyed included Sake (Rice wine), Water and Milk fruits native to Japan include Pyrus pyrifolia, a type of pear tree.Tomatoes and Cabbages were introduced by the Dutch in the 17th century, Chocolate was introduced between 1789 and 1801 and is mentioned as a drink in the pleasure houses of Maruyama.