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American and European inventors had created the steamboat in the late 1700s, but they were not widely used until the early 1800s. In 1803, Robert Fulton, an American, tested his first steamboat design in France. A few years later, he tested the first full-sized commercial steamboat, the Clermont, in the U.S. On August 9, 1807, the Clermont traveled against the current up the Hudson River. After that, demand for steamboat ferry service rose. The steamboat was well suited for river travel because it could move upriver and did not depend on wind power. They increased trade because goods could be moved quickly. By 1840, more than 500 steamboats were being used in the U.S., and by the 1850s, they were also being used to carry people and goods across the Atlantic Ocean.

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The steamboat by 116 years. Steamboat 1787 vs Airplane 1903.

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Robert Fulton invented the first successful steamboat - the Clermont. ... On August 7, 1807

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The steamboat was invented in america. John Fitch sailed the first steamboat on the Delaware river in 1787. In the end steamboats helped transport people from place to place.

Who was the man who invented the steamboat?

John Fitch invented the original steamboat, but Robert Fulton is usually credited with the invention of the steamboat, since he was American and brought it to America, while Fitch was British.

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The steamboat was invented by John Fitch in the early 1790s. See the Related Link below.

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