

What cereal is grown in water?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: What cereal is grown in water?
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Which cereal must be grown in water?


What cereal is used to make oats?

Oats are oats, they are grown, not made. You can make cereal out of oats, but not oats out of cereal.

What cereal crop grows under standing water?

Rice is grown in shallow water. It doesn't have to but the water keeps vermin out and also selects less robust gains from growing.

Does sweetcorn grow on trees?

No It is a cereal crop grown in a field

How is cereal processed and manufactured?

grown and harvested by framers cuz cereal comes form wheat and people on the fram is grown on a fram. The framers send the wheat to a manufacture and they do the stuff they need to do with it.

Where does the worlds cereal which are made from oats usually grown?

They are grown wherever there is a market for them, if the land and climate are suitable.

What is the difference between a cereal and salt water?

cereal is a mixture , salt water is a solution

What is the name of two cereal crops grown in India?

jawar, bajra and ragi are d major millets grown in INDIA .

What is the meaning of Makhane?

Makhana or Gorgon Nut, is an highly nutritious, fully organic non-cereal food, which is extensively grown in the stagnant water of wetlands, tanks, ponds lakes and ditches.

Are oats grown from wheat?

Oats are a cereal crop like wheat, but a different species.

Which crop is grown between two cereal crops to restore the fertility of soil?

A legume crop is typically grown to help restore the nitrogen levels.

Where are cereals grown?

Cereals, or cereal grains, are grown throughout much of the world, typically in open, flat areas. Some commonly-grown cereals include wheat, corn, oats, and rice.