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There were a few challenges that have advances in technology for Supreme court. This was what interpret the Bill of Rights.

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Dwight Gislason

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2y ago
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There were a few challenges that have advances in technology for Supreme court. This was what interpret the Bill of Rights.

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Q: What challenges have advances in technology posed for supreme court justices trying to interpret the bill of rights?
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What laws govern a Supreme Court Justice and Justices' decisions?

The Supreme Court Justices interpret and enforce the US Constitution. The US Constitution is the ultimate "Law of the Land", to which they are bound.

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The Supreme Court sit for life. The thinking on this was they would be free of political restrictions and policies to be able to interpret law according to the constitution.

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The election process, especially the fundraising part, might influence how they interpret the law, introducing the potential of compromising their impartiality.

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there are about how mean justices on the Supreme Court.

Can the president amend the US Constitution.?

No. The president has no direct part in amending the Constitution. He can lobby for Constitutional changes and if given the opportunity, can nominate Supreme Court justices who may interpret the Constitution in ways that amount that amount to changes.

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The interpretive theory is known as contextualism, but judges or justices who are proponents of contextualism (and/or a Living Constitution) are often also accused of being judicial activists.

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Justices of the peace!the justices of the peace was a police man.