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Thomas J made drastic changes in goverment, Especially towards People relationship.

He tried to make equal-opinions in People and Goverment. He also made sure People were elected officials, and can bring down officials.

by: Vivek Patel.

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Q: What changes did Jefferson try to make in the relationship between government and the people?
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What changes did Jefferson want to make to make the relationship between the government and the people better?

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Yes, one of the significant changes in atmosphere in Jefferson's administration was that there were more common people involved in government.

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Yes, one of the significant changes in atmosphere in Jefferson's administration was that there were more common people involved in government.

What changes did Jefferson try to make in the relationships between government and the people?

Thomas J made drastic changes in goverment, Especially towards People relationship. He tried to make equal-opinions in People and Goverment. He also made sure People were elected officials, and can bring down officials. by: Vivek Patel.

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