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Q: What changes have you seen in the environment for better or worse?
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Organic produce is widely seen as being better for consumers, as well as better for the environment. This is because pesticides are not used in the growing of organic fruits and vegetables.

Are Honda dirt bikes better than Suzuki?

Honda is a lot better then suzuki. From what I have seen, Suzuki is by far the worse. My buddy has an rm-z450 and its a pile. Honda is a lot better but Yamaha bikes are the best

How do you use worst or worse?

Worse- That could have been worse. Worst- That is the worst jacket I've ever seen!

What is doxyciclyne?

Doxyciclyne is a an antibiotic drug that my Doctor prescribed for me in order to fight my acne. I haven't seen much change yet; actually it's gotten worse, but some say it gets worse before it gets better.

Name 3 changes that will be seen in the healthcare environment in the next 10 years?

Fewer doctors. More costly medications. Longer wait to get an appointment. All BAD.

What is it called when matter changes?

Physical change, if it changes in a way to be seen, or chemical change, which if the change can not be seen

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Most chemical changes happen between molecules, so they are unseen.

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What are the relationship of man and nature in human geography?

The relationship of man with ecology is that the characteristics of humans race have been determined by the environment in which it developed. If that environment changes too quickly (as we have seen with the impact of industry on the ecology) then the human race may not be able to thrive and if too extreme, may in fact not be able to survive.

What is the worse thing you have ever seen?

your face lol jokes the educational system

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What is the most disturbing thing you have seen...because space sucks is worse

What is the function of Microbiology?

To help us better understand the organisms too small to be seen by the naked (unaided) eye. These include bacteria, viruses, algae and yeast. Microbes are known to exist in just about every environment on earth and to have influence in health, food and the environment.