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As a pig matures their reproductive system will as well. It will grow and prepare its self to mate and be able to support offspring.

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Q: What changes might occur to reproductive system as a pig matures?
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Can fish eggs survive through a birds digestive system?

There is evidence to suggest that some fish eggs might be able to survive the trip through a bird's digestive system. This explains how some species of fish end up where they may not belong.

Are dogs allowed to eat hay?

well dogs should NOT eat hay because it is not good for their system and they might die or get quite sick. i asked a vet about this because i am asking the same question!

Why might adaptation for color be important?

color adaptation is important because landscape change and animal have to cope with it like a rainforest but because of time it changes into a savanna from the dull brownish dead leaves color and the green fern colors to the light green color of the savanna

List the adaptations that enable amphibians to adapt to terrestrial life?

The adaptation of insects to terrestrial life are quite versatile and are essential for survival. One of the best adaptations is the cuticle which is waterproof. Other adaptations include ability to fly, mouth parts and type of legs.

Can you die if you eat a black widow?

Usually, the venom within the spider is only toxic to humans and other animals when it is injected in the bloodstream. If you were to try to eat a living black widow spider it might easily bite you while you were trying to chew it. If you just ate the dead body, your digestive system would deal with the venom. The venom does not act as a poison, a toxin that is absorbed through the digestive system. However, I wouldn't recommend eating one. For one thing, if you had an ulcer the venom might enter the blood system by that route.

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No, arousal itself does not cause damage to the reproductive system if not relieved. However, prolonged sexual arousal without release can lead to discomfort or frustration, but it does not harm the reproductive organs.

What would happen if the body had a weak endocrine system?

You wouldn't grow you will look like a kid

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Nothing, your digestive system and reproductive system are completely separate, there's no chance of gettin pregnant. Women might be affected by the diseases if the sperm contains the virus.

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Yes, new information system with sensitive data or to which changes are made that might create new privacy risks must have a PIA

What organ system is most important?

None that is a trick question because you can't survive without each one. I think you could survive without a reproductive system. It might not be a life worth living, but you'd survive.

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