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Inactivation gates of voltage-gated Na+ channels close, while activation gates of voltage-gated K+ channels open.

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Q: What changes occur to voltage-gated Na and K channels at the peak of depolarization?
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What changes occur in the neuron?

Neurons undergo depolarization and repolarization when stimulated. The sodium and potassium channels open.

What effect of the action potential if sodium channels are kept closed?

The action potential will not generate if the sodium channels are kept closed.This is because the sodium channels are responsible for the dramatic rising phase of membrane depolarization that occurs when the threshold of activation is reached. As a membrane potential gradually depolarizes (which can occur for a variety of reasons such as neurotransmitter stimulation, mechanical deformation of the membrane, etc), that membrane potential gradually comes closer to that threshold of activation. Once that threshold is reached, the voltage gated sodium channels open and allow for a dramatic influx of sodium ions into the cell. This results in a rapid depolarization which is seen as the rising phase of that upward spike noted in an action potential. Without the ability to open these sodium channels we may reach the threshold of activation, but the actual action potential will not occur.

Why don't the terms depolarization and action potential mean the same thing?

Depolarization occurs when a stimulus opens sodium channels which allow more sodium to go into the membrane making it less negative and more positive (toward reaching threshold). An action potential can only occur once the membrane reaches threshold which means it has reached the level needed through depolarization. An action potential is a brief reversal in polarity of the membrane making the inside more positive and the outside more negative, the reverse occurs again once the membrane reaches resting potential.

A virus causes damage to the sodium channels of the postsynaptic neuron such that they open very slowly in response to a neurotransmitter How does this modify the generation of an action potential?

This modification would likely result in a delayed or weakened depolarization of the postsynaptic neuron membrane. As a consequence, the generation of an action potential may be slower or fail to reach the threshold needed to trigger an action potential, leading to impaired signal transmission between neurons.

What is the stage in an action potential that immediately follow depolarisation?

The stage that immediately follows depolarization in an action potential is repolarization. During repolarization, potassium ions move out of the cell, causing the membrane potential to return to its resting state.

What changes occur in the neuron during an action potential?

During an action potential, the neuron undergoes a rapid change in membrane potential as sodium ions rush into the cell, leading to depolarization. Subsequently, potassium ions move out of the cell, repolarizing the membrane back to its resting state. This rapid change in membrane potential allows for the transmission of electrical signals along the neuron.

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Return loss refers to the reflections that occur at changes in impedance.

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Weather changes can occur at any time, but they are most common during transitional seasons like spring and fall when warm and cold air masses clash. Weather changes can also happen in response to approaching weather systems such as cold fronts, warm fronts, and low-pressure systems.

Which changes occur during evaporation?

During evaporation, liquid water gains enough energy to break free from the surface of the liquid and turn into water vapor. This process involves the transfer of heat energy from the surroundings to the liquid. As a result, the liquid slowly decreases in volume and the temperature of the remaining liquid may decrease due to the loss of heat energy.

Why do not action potentials occur during the repolarization phase?

During the repolarization phase, the voltage-gated sodium channels are inactivated and unable to open in response to stimuli. This prevents the generation of new action potentials until the membrane potential returns to its resting state. Additionally, the efflux of potassium ions during repolarization helps restore the membrane potential to its resting level, making it less likely for a new action potential to occur.

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