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connect the arteriole to the venules

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Q: Where do shunt vessels occur?
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What is the difference between a shunt and a stent?

A shunt is a passage between blood vessels which diverts blood. A stent is used to prop open an artery.

What is a passage between two blood vessels or between two sides of the heart?


What structure connects an artery to a vein in your body?

A blood vessel that provides a direct link between an artery and a vein is a shunt vessel.For example, shunt vessels connect arterioles and venules in the skin, to cut down heat loss in cold weather.In surgery, a shunt is a device used to connect two vessels or chambers of the cardiovascular system.

What structure in the dermis help maintain the temperature?

Firstly, your sweat pores help maintain temperature by opening or closing. When your body temperature is too high, the sweat pores open and more sweat is released outside of your body, thus resulting in more evaporation of sweat and a faster cooling of your body. When your body temperature is too low, your sweat pores close and sweat production decreases to minimize heat loss. Secondly, your skin arterioles and shunt vessels help maintain your body temperature by dilation or constriction. When your body temperature is too high, your shunt vessels constrict and your skin arterioles dilate, thus causing less blood to flow into the shunt vessels and more blood to flow into the blood vessels nearer your skin and losing heat more efficiently. When your body temperature is too low, your shunt vessels dilate and your skin arterioles constrict thus causing more blood to flow into the shunt vessels and less blood to flow into the blood vessels nearer your skin and thus minimizing heat loss. Hope that helps!

In which blood vessels does diffusion occur?


What are the risks for a ventricular shunt operation?

Complications of shunting occur in 30% of cases, but only 5% are serious.

What types of complications occur with peritoneovenous shunt insertion?

Complications following peritoneovenous shunt insertion are common and include infection, leakage of ascitic fluid, accumulation of abnormally large amounts of fluid in the intercellular tissue.

When do ischemic strokes occur?

Ischemic strokes occur due to blood vessels becoming blocked while hemorrhagic strokes are the result of broken blood vessels in or near the brain.

In blood vessels where does the greatest pressure drop occur?

the arterioles

Where does the exchange of oxygen waste and nutrients occur?

Lymph vessels

Damage to the small blood vessels can cause what to occur?

The organism not only damages the blood vessels by causing them to leak, but also causes clotting inside the vessels.

What are the differences of Long shunt vs short shunt generator?

In long shunt the shunt field winding is in parallel to both generator and series field. In short shunt the shunt field is in parallel to generator only.