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Q: What changes occurs when runner's muscle cells transition respiration and anaerobic respiration?
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What is the difference between aerobic and anarobic celluar respiration?

Aerobic respiration is when there is enough oxygen to use by the muscles. This happpens in long distance running. Anaerobic respiration is when respiration continues without sufficient oxygen,This happens more often in sprinting. Anaerobic respiration forces the muscles to rip and repair more often, and become bigger and more efficient. This is why sprinters like Christine Ohuruogu tend to be more muscular than marathon runners such as Paula Radcliffe.

A runner needs more energy for a longer race. How does the body generate the necessary ATP?

Goes from aerobic respiration of carbohydrate to anaerobic respiration of carbohydrate. In the case of marathon runners aerobic respiration of fatty acids will follow depletion of carbohydrate reserves (glycogen).

Why does a sprinter use the anaerobic energy system?

They don't, theyy use the ATP-PC system, which lasts for around 10 seconds. This is because it is an explosive event which is what the attrirbrutes of the ATP-PC are designed for. has alot about energy systems, hope this helps

How does a runner generate necessary ATP during a race?

During a race, a runner generates ATP through processes such as aerobic metabolism and anaerobic metabolism. Aerobic metabolism relies on oxygen to break down carbohydrates and fats for energy, while anaerobic metabolism involves the breakdown of stored glycogen without oxygen. These processes help provide the necessary energy for muscle contractions and sustain performance during a race.

Why must a runner respire anaerobically after a while?

A runner may have to respire anaerobically when their body cannot supply enough oxygen to meet the demands of their muscles during intense exercise. This can occur when the respiratory system is unable to keep up with the oxygen needed for aerobic respiration, leading to the production of energy through anaerobic pathways such as glycolysis.

When lactate builds in a runners muscles it causes a burning sensation. what causes this to occur?

The muscles do not have enough oxygen for aerobic respiration.

When lactate builds up in a runners muscles it causes a burning sensation . What causes this to occur?

The muscles do not have enough oxygen for aerobic respiration.

When lactate builds up in a runners muscles it causes a burning sensation. what causes this to occurs?

The muscles do not have enough oxygen for aerobic respiration.

When lactate builds up in a runners muscle it causes a burning sensations. What causes this to occur?

The muscles do not have enough oxygen for aerobic respiration.

What do the runners body do to counteract the changes?

well lets start off with the basics i dont know but you should ask someone else

2over9 runners are women and there are 990 runners how many are women runners?

220 out of 990 runners are women.

What is the sentence of runners?

The possessive form of the plural noun runners is runners'.example: The runners' times are logged into the database.