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Q: What chapter in the book of numbers has the census of the levitical tribes?
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Who are the two individuals named in both census taken by Moses?

Read the book of Numbers in the Bible and find out. The census is by tribes and their names were the sons of Jacob, plus the son of Joseph, so do not think that these tribes are individuals.

What books of the old testament is moses found in?

Exodus, mostly. His laws and the census of the twelve tribes are found in Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Why is the fourth book of the old testament named Numbers?

Technically, the Hebrew name means "in the wilderness" but it was changed to Numbers due to the numbering (or census) of Israel tribes within the book.

Why is the 4th book on pentateuch called numbers?

The fourth book of the Pentateuch is called Numbers because it begins with a census of the Israelites in the wilderness. The book also includes various numerical data such as counting the tribes of Israel, organizing the camp, and detailing sacrifices - hence the name "Numbers."

What book and chapter about the twelve tribes?


What does tithing have in common with the levites?

The Levites were one of the tribes of Israel. Israel's priests were chosen from this tribe. They are referred to as the Levitical priests. Israel was a theocracy which means its government was run by its religious leaders (Levites/Levitcal priests).Under the Mosaic Law (Law of Moses) the other eleven tribes were commanded to pay tithes to the Levites. In turn, the Levitical priests were responsible for offering the tithes to the Lord as a form of ceremonial/religious worship.Your Tithe

What is the smallest tribe of the twelve tribes of israel?

Today, the only tribes with large numbers are those of Judah, Levi, Benjamin and (probably) Simeon. All the rest were exiled to points now unknown. They have some descendants among the known Jewish people today, but relatively few; and it's impossible to determine exactly who they are.

What does the book of numbers contain?

The book of Numbers in the Bible primarily contains census data of the Israelites, detailing the organization and numbers of the tribes as they wander in the wilderness. It also includes various laws and regulations given to the Israelites by God through Moses, as well as accounts of their experiences and challenges during their time in the wilderness.

What do the names of the books in the bible mean ie genesis means beginning?

**Exodus is the account of Israel's exodus(exit)from Egypt?**Leviticus has to do with God's law administered through the Levitical priesthood(the family of 'Levi').**Numbers relates to the 'two numberings of the sons of Israel' (census) by Moses when the tribes of Israel were being registered and organized.**Deuteronomy was actually originally named Devarim (meaning 'words'). The Septuagint Greek title 'Deuteronomion', ("Repetition of the Law"(Deut. 17:18) is actually more of an explanation of the Law (God's 'words').

What book of the Bible tells of the twelve tribes splitting into two nations?

1 Kings (chapter 12) and 2 Chronicles (chapter 10).

How many tribes are there in Indiain numbers?

I think in theory there were over 1 million Natives in that time.

Biblical meaning of numbers 1 through 12?

These generally refer to the 12 tribes of Israel.