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Brutus is the character with the most lines in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Hope this helps!

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Q: What character has the most lines in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar?
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How did Julius Caesar use the military tactic of interior lines in his opening campaign against Pompey?

The only instance of Julius Caesar using the tactic of interior lines was at the siege of Alesia during the Gallic Wars

Who has the last lines in the play in Julius Caesar?

Octavius has the last lines, following Antony's "…noblest Roman of them all" speech.

Et tu brute?

And you Brutus? These were the famous last lines of Julius Caesar as he was stabbed in the Senate house multiple times by the senators. Brutus was the last to stab Caesar and had betrayed Caesar's friendship with him. The play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare also uses this line as Caesar is killed.

What did brutus do to Julius Caesar?

he threw a shoe to Julius Caesar and then he did Brutus was the last person to stab Julius Caesar. He was stabbed 23 times. This is one of the most famous lines from the play "et tu Brute?" meaning " and you Brutus?". after which Caeser says " then fall Caeser." He helped kill him.

What is Brutus saying in lines 2 and 3 in Julius Caesar?

Brutus is saying that he doesn't know what time it is.

What humor did you find in act 1 in Julius Caesar?

The conversation between the cobbler and Marullus (lines 9-19).

Who said 'How many ages hence shall this your lofty scene be acted'?

The quote is from William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Act 3 Scene I in which the character Cassius says to Brutus 'Stoop, then, and wash. How many ages hence shall this our lofty scene be acted over in states unborn and accents yet unknown!'

Which lines from Mark Antony's speech in "Julius Caesar" best illustrate pathos?

when the poor have cried, Cesar hath wept

What was significant about octavius speaking the last line in the play Julius Caesar?

Octavius is the heir to Caesar's throne. The last lines represent his leadership and sense of sensitivity as the next ruler.

An example of parallelism in Julius Caesar?

somewhere in act 3 when he says i came i saw i conquer or something along those lines

What play does et tu brute come from?

It comes from the play Julius Caesar by Shakespeare. Those lines are spoken when Caesar is being murdered and he sees Marcus Brutus approaching him with a sword.