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Q: What characterisristics make euglenophytes different from other protists?
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How are protists and plant and different?

Protists are distinguished from other eukaryotes by their simplicity. Protists have much simpler cells.

What make protists different from bacteria?

internal membranes which separate different organs, also a different form for DNA, protists are bigger, and several other minor differences

How can algal bloom harmful?

because euglenophytes absorb waste and such... they recycle it and so!.. when theres to much waste the euglenophytes make things called "algal blooms" the algal blooms deplete the waters nutruents and oxygen killing algae and other organisms

What is different between animal- like protists and plant-like protists?

A plant-like protista has chlorophyll in chloroplasts to make energy from the sunlight, and an animal-like protist gets its energy from other organisms. All plant-like protists are producers, while most animal-like protists are consumers, in other words.

How are protists different from other organisms?

They;re different because they're niether animals, plants, or fungi, and they're eukaryotes

What makes Sarcodines different from other Protists?

They have extensions of the cell membrane and cytoplasm called pseudopod.

Is protists abiotic or biotic?

Protists are alive, or in other words, biotic

Do protists cells have a nucleus?

Yes they do. Some protists have other organelles that other protists may be lacking but they all still have nuclei.

Why did Ernst Haeckel divide protoctists into a different kingdom?

He divided them into a different kingdom because protists are unicellular organisms that are very different from other organisms.

Why are some protists more closely related to other kingdoms than to members of their own kingdom?

Because they are more different than they are alike.

How does Protista get there food?

Different kinds of protists get their food in different ways. Some protists can move and can take in food like animals do. Plant-like protists need to absorb the sun's energy in order to make food inside their bodies. Other protists like fungus grow above their food source to get nutrients. Some protists engulf bacteria and digest them internally, by extending their cell membrane and forming a vacuole around the bacteria. This bacteria is then taken in by phagocytosis. Protists such as Dinoflagellates, Euglena, and Algae are Phototrophs that get their energy from sunlight. Protists like Apicomplexa, Trypanosomes, and Amobae are Organotrophs that get their energy from organic compounds.

How are protists different from monerans?

The main difference between protists and monerans is that monerans are prokaryotes while protists are eukaryotes. There are a vast number of other differences, but that is the main one. Study the deffinitions of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells to further your understanding. Note: easier to understand; classification system.