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Q: What characteristic does the alkali metals alkaline earth metals and the halogens have in common?
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What is the important characteristic do the alkali and alkaline earth metals have in common?

they all have at least one electron

What important characteristic do the alkali metals ad alkaline earth metals have in common?

They both are highly reactive and are not found in nature in elemental state.

What do halogens all have in common?

Well one answer is pretty obvious, they're all called halogens. And here are ones I got from "Very high electronegativities Seven valence electrons (one short of a stable octet) Highly reactive, especially with alkali metals and alkaline earths "

What are the common properties of halogen?

highly reactive with alkali metals and alkaline earth metals

Why do chemists use a periodic table?

Because all of the elements are displayed; also they are divided into groups (alkali, alkaline earth, transition metals, metalloids, non metals, halogens, noble gases, lathanides and actinides) based on their reactivity, common oxidation states and properties. This helps chemists to think of chemical compounds and their composition (e.g alkali metals usually have +1 oxidation states, alkaline earth +2 and transition +2,+3, but are not limited to these oxidation states).

What are the names of some common alkalines?

Two most common alkaline earth metals are Beryllium and Magnesium, while the most common alkali hydroxide is sodium hydroxide.

What everyday substance is an alkali?

Bicarbonate of Soda commonly used for cooking (plus a range of other things) is a common everyday Alkaline.

What is the characteristic property of the halogens?

Halogens are group seven on the Periodic Table, this means they take electrons during bonding as opposed to giving them. Halogens are often used for cleaning and disinfecting, most notably in pools. They are also poisonous and were introduced into warfare in the first world war. Halogens are common in acids such as hydro-CHLORIC acid.

What alkaline is in fertilizer?

No, not in general and I've never heard of it been used that way.

What alkali has a pH value between 11 and 14?

A solution with a pH value between 11 and 14 is highly alkaline. Common examples of alkalis that can have such pH values are sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH).

What are alkaline earth metals?

They are a series of elements, or metals, on the Periodic Table of Elements. The alkaline earth metals are: beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium (i.e, the ones with two electrons in their outer shell and common oxidation state +2, right next to the alkali metals with common oxidation state +1). They're all silvery-colored and soft, and they combine with water to form alkaline hydroxides, but not as readily as the alkali metals do.

What is an element with a single electron in its highest energy level is probably what type of metal?

An element with two electrons in its highest energy level is probably an alkaline earth metal. More specifically, it is likely magnesium or calcium, as these are the most common alkaline earth metals.