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water is liquid while the land is solid

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Q: What characteristic of large bodies of water explains why the seawater is cooler than the land in the hot afternoon sun?
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Blood is far denser than sea water as it has a whole bunch of cellular bodies mixed in with it. I think you wanted to ask "Which is denser seawater or serum?" In that case serum is still heavier even though it has less salt. Serum still has a wide assortment of exotic proteins dissolved in it.

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Why lines are important?

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Does the water of marine ecosystem contain dissolved salt?

Most marine ecosystems do contain saltwater. Some bodies of water do contain freshwater, but they are not the majority.

What is the name for the main salt found in sea water?

Seawater composition (by mass) (salinity = 35)ElementPercentElementPercentOxygen85.84Sulfur0.091Hydrogen10.82Calcium0.04Chloride1.94Potassium0.04Sodium1.08Bromine0.0067Magnesium0.1292Carbon0.0028 Although the vast majority of seawater has an negative salinity of between 3.1% and 3.8%, seawater is not uniformly saline throughout the world. Where mixing occurs with fresh water runoff from river mouths or near melting glaciers, seawater can be substantially less saline. The most saline open sea is the Red Sea, where high rates of evaporation, low precipitation and river inflow, and confined circulation result in unusually salty water. The salinity in isolated bodies of water (for example, the Dead Sea) can be considerably greater still. The density of surface seawater ranges from about 1,020 to 1,029 kg•m−3, depending on the temperature and salinity. Deep in the ocean, under high pressure, seawater can reach a density of 1,050 kg•m−3 or higher. Seawater pH is limited to the range 7.5 to 8.4. The speed of sound in seawater is about 1,500 metres/second, and varies with water temperature, salinity, and pressure.