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Alkali metals are very reactive and soft.

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Q: What characteristics are shared by all alkali metals?
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What characteristics are shared by all alkali metals and alkaline earth metals?

They are highly- reactive metals

What characteristics are shared by all metals and alkaline earth metals?

They are highly- reactive metals

What important characteristics do the alkali metals and earth metals have in common?

They all have at least one electron.

Are cesium potassium and francium all alkali metals?

Yes, all are alkali metals.

Which set of elements make up the reactive group of all metals?

The alkali metals in column 1 of most wide-form periodic tables.

What is alkali metals fact?

Alkali metals are the most reactant of all the metals, and conduct electricity very well

What metals react violently with acid?

All alkali metals (group 1) and most earth-alkali metals (group 2)

What is an alkali metal which would melt?

All the alkali metals will melt.

What group would lithium be in on the periodic table?

They are in group one called the Alkali Metals.Those are alkali metals. They are the most reactive of all the metals, and they are in group 1 of the periodic table, all the way to the left.

Are alkali earth metals liquids?

no, the alkali metals make up the first period and all of them are highly reactive.

What are the three characteristics of all alkali metals?

one is its the first colom in the Periodic Table:}

The alkali metals have how many valence electrons?