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Baboons have many traits that lemurs don't, including more dexterous hands, better color vision, improved visual communication (facial expressions), increased social complexity, male dominance, and a more terrestrial lifestyle.

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Q: What characteristics do baboons have that lemurs do not have?
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Related questions

Why do baboons have more traits then lemurs?

How do you know they have more traits than lemurs. Lemurs certainly seem a lot smarter and more attuned to their habitat .

What eats lemurs in the rain forest?

leopards eat mice, fruit, porcupines, baboons, or crocodiles

What are 5 examples of primates?

* Chimpanzees * Gorillas * Orangutans * Lemurs * Bush babies * Monkeys * Baboons & * Humans

Do both lemurs and humans have the characteristics listed at point d?

I don't know people

Which primate has a non prehensile tail?

Baboons and Mandrills do not have prehensile tails. They are large monkeys that spend most of their time on the ground. For that reason, it is not necessary for them to have a prehensile tail.

What do lemurs and tamarins have in common?

Lemurs are strepsirrhine primates (with a wet nose), while tamarins are New World monkeys (with a dry nose). They do share common primate characteristics, which include grasping hands and feet and an arboreal lifestyle.

What is the most common species of lemurs?

carbenson lemurs ,darshion lemurs,and kowltenson lemurs .I have 8 of them

How many baboons in a congress of baboons?

None, a group of Baboons is called a Troop.

Why are the baboons extinct?

Baboons are not extinct.

Do baboons live in damp places?


Are there baboons in Vietnam?

Technically, there are baboons in zoos in Vietnam, but if you mean natively, then yes. There are baboons in Vietnam

What is the collective term for a group of baboons?

The collective nouns for baboons is a congress, a rumpus, or a tribe of baboons.