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Q: What characteristics does tally have In uglies?
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Related questions

Who narrates uglies?

Tally Youngblood

What character is on the cover of Uglies?


In pretties the book what is shay's nickname?

Shay: in Uglies, skinny. in Pretties, Shay-la. Tally: in Uglies, squint. (i think...) in pretties, Tally-wa.

Are there any pictures of tally youngblood from the uglies?

I think the cover is Tally. Hope that helps!

Who is Tally in the book Uglies?

tally is the main character of the book all she want to do is to get pretty

What are tallys parents name in the uglies?

Tally's parents' names in the Uglies series are Az and Suzanna Youngblood. They are part of the Rusty society and play a significant role in Tally's upbringing and decisions throughout the series.

Who is the main character in the book Uglies by Scott Westerfeld?


Who is the protagonist in the uglies?

The protagonist in Scott Westerfeld's series is Tally Youngblood.

What is the climax of UGLIES by Scott Westerfeld?

The climax of "Uglies" by Scott Westerfeld is when Tally, the main character, makes the decision to betray her friends and help the Specials. This leads to a series of events that ultimately change the course of the story and Tally's relationships with those around her.

Character description of Tally Youngblood in the novel UGLIES?

Superficial, Selfish, Close-minded

What is the main event in Uglies?

The main event in "Uglies" is when Tally Youngblood discovers the truth about the operation that transforms "Uglies" into "Pretties" in a society that values physical beauty. Tally then faces a moral dilemma as she navigates the consequences of this knowledge.

The uglies-Did tally activate the necklace?

Yeah, she throws it in a fire, and if it gets damaged, it automatically activates.