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Q: What characteristics makes the chondrichthyes more successful predators that hagfish and lamprey?
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How does a hagfish portect itself from predators?

by eating

What characteristics does a hagfish have?

A hagfish has the following characteristics. It is like a eel. It is slimy. It has a skull but does not have a vertebral column. It is jawless. It has an average length of 19.5 inches.

What is a hagfish?

Hagfish are scavengers. They eat dead fish or other dead or dying sea organisms.

Is a hagfish a mammal?

Yes, a Hagfish is a mammal. ;)

Is a Hagfish jawless?

Yes the hagfish is jawless.

How do hagfishes protect themselves?

The Atlantic hagfish, scientifically known as Myxine glutinosa, is an unusual sea creature. Its body is covered with special glands that can emit a sticky slime. In fact, a single hagfish can produce enough slime at one time to fill a milk jug. This has earned it the name "slime eel", although it is really not an eel at all. A hagfish will actually "sneeze" when its own nostrils fill with slime. Hagfish slime is different that any other natural slime secretion in that it is reinforced with tiny fibers. These fibers make the slime strong and difficult to remove. It is believed that the hagfish uses this slime to protect itself from predators. It can also be used to easily produce a protective cocoon for the hagfish. It is believed that this slime can actually suffocate predators by clogging their gills if they come in contact with it. The hagfish has a trick for escaping this slime cocoon. Believe it or not, this animal can tie itself in a knot and then pass the knot down the length of its body to wipe the slime away. Hope this helps! :) xxx

Does the hagfish have a backbone?

hagfish is the only chordate that lacks a backbone

What do hagfish do that is special what do hagfish do that is special?

They can tie themselves in knots.

When was Hagfish - band - created?

Hagfish - band - was created in 1993.

When did Hagfish - band - end?

Hagfish - band - ended in 2001.

Are hagfish mammals?

No. Hagfish are cold-blooded, as are all similar eels. The hagfish is unique in that it has no vertebrae (spinal column) but does have a bony skull.

Is the hagfish extinct?

No, the hagfish still lives in southern parts of Asia