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the temperature and heat

- wikigirl

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Maximillian Hermann

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Q: What characteristics of Venus's atmosphere make the planets so harsh?
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What chariteristics of Venuss atmosphere make the planet so harsh?


What characteristics of venus atmosphere makes the planet so harsh?

the temperature and heat - wikigirl

Do any other planets have an atmosphere like earths and if they did could it support life?

Some other planets, such as Venus and Mars, have atmospheres, but they are very different from Earth's. Venus has a thick atmosphere with extreme heat and pressure, while Mars has a thin atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide. Both planets are unlikely to support life as we know it due to their harsh conditions.

What characteristics of Venus' atmosphere make rhe planet so harsh?

Venus has a very hot, very thick atmosphere of sulfuric acid. The pressure is about 80 times that of the Earth's atmosphere, and the temperature is over 800 degrees. NOT a nice place. There are some speculations about trying to "explore" the atmosphere of Venus using balloons. But that's a long way off.

What planet has a harsh landscape?

All planets except Earth have conditions extremely unsuitable for life. Venus is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit because it has an extreme greenhouse effect. Mercury and Pluto have no atmosphere. Mars has a thin atmosphere and is too cold (although it could possibly be terraformed).

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harsh stuperen mood

What does an atmosphere do for a world?

protect the world from the harsh gases in space

What brings harsh winters to ulaanbaatar and to Hokkaido Japan?

the. atmosphere is polutted and water

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harsh climate, vast ,wild animals and wonderful climate

What are some planets humans can live on?

Humans can live on the planet Earth. Other planets are unsuitable for our existence unless new technology was able to assist humans in harsh environments.

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The Taiga only has coniferous trees because the conditions are so harsh that they are one of the very few plants that can withstand such harsh conditions.

Can all planets support life?

It depends on the organisms. If the organism can live in harsh and brutal conditions than yes, planets can support life. The traits of the organisms depend on how it can live in other planets. Only the Sun can't support life.