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Q: What characteristics of organisms usually leave fossils?
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In which period did the first multicellular organisms begin to leave fossils?

around the 1980s

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Did all once living-organisms leave behind fossils for example the mammoth?

Not sure. If they didn't leave a fossil how would we know that they existed.

What is the main points of Darwin's theory of evolution?

That all organisms are variations. That there are many more organisms born than can be supported by the available resources. That their is a struggle for existence and some organisms will be better adapted to survive and out reproduce their fellow organisms. That these organisms that do this will leave descendents that have these same characteristics which will change the morphology and behavior in these population of these organisms over time.

What find of animals leave trace fossils?

dinosaurs and other animals

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What are plant fossils?

Fossils are the traces of plants or animals that have been preserved by natural resources inside Earth's crust layer. For example, detectives attending a crime scene look for mostly fingerprints. The criminals usually leave evidence that some sort of event occurred. When we mention animals, they also leave behind clues when they become extinct. What we call these clues are fossils, obviously. If you want to know what kinds of fossils there are, well, just listen to me. Two kinds of fossils found in rocks, usually sedimentary, are molds and casts. Molds are the "stuff" that's formed when an organism is buried by sediments and the sediments eventually transition into the sedimentary rock stage. The animal usually leaves a "cavity" in the rock. This cavity is what we call a mold. Most of the time, mold either fills with mud or sand. Back to your question: Well, a fossilized plant is found in individual parts. These fossils could be leaves, dead or left-over flowers, or anything else of that particular sort. Usually, a leaf is a common example of a fossilized plant.

How do scientists discover information about dinosaurs?

Scientists learn about dinosaurs by studying their fossils and those of other contemporary organisms. This helps them to learn what a dinosaur looked like, what it ate, and what its adaptations were. They also learn about what the climate, plant life, and other animals it interacted with were like. Fossils such as those of eggs, nests, and footprints can leave clues as to a dinosaur's social behavior.

How can mammals be distinguished from other vertebrates on the basis of the fossils they leave behind?

Scientists distinguish mammal fossils by their teeth and jawbones. These structures are completely unique to mammals. ChaCha!

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