

What characteristics would describe the wright brothers?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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he is good,caring,lovely,loves you,muture,plait and more

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Q: What characteristics would describe the wright brothers?
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Why was rhe wright brothers important to researshn?

The wright brothers was important to research because we would not have air plane if whaten for the wright brothers

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What would the Wright Brothers put on their business cards?

I can fly... you can't.

Who tested the first plane for the wright brothers?

On the day of the first flight of the Wright Flyer, the brothers did a coin-toss to decide which of them would make the first flight. Wilbur won.

What did the Wright brothers do with the Wright flyer?

What they wanted to do with it was try to test it and see if it would actually be successful flying it!hoped that helped!

Why are the wright brothers important in history?

They fixed bikes and made a printing press. The Wright Brothers invented the airplane, this is the main reason why they are remembered. More detail; The Wright brothers inventing the air plain was the biggest breakthrough because without the invention then transportation would be slow.

Who used the airplane first?

Wince the Wright brothers invented the aeroplane, it would be them.

Did the wright brothers plane fly?

Yes, the Wright brothers plane did fly. They are credited for the invitation of the airplane. They started by making a glider that would fly which lead to the airplanes we know of today.

How did the wright brothers get info on making a bicycle?

The Wright brothers ran a bike repair shop, so they would have learned from looking at the bikes made by other companies that were left to them to be repaired.

What city did th Wright Brothers take off from?

The Wright Brothers' first flights were done at Kill Devil Hills, NC. It is four miles from Kitty Hawk. If the Wright Brothers were alive today and wanted to visit Kill Devil Hills, they would have to land at Edenton or Elizabeth City.

What issues did the wright brothers overcome?

The biggest issue that the Wright brothers had to overcome to achieve their goal of maned flight was weight. If the engine weighted too much the plane would not get off the ground.

Did a toy helicopter give the wright brothers the Idea to fly?

No. The Wright brothers achieved flight before Igor Sikorsky created the first workable helicopter. There would have been no toy helicopter.