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Q: What characterizes Spanish colonies?
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Why did Portugal have colonies Africa but Spain did not?

Spanish Morocco and Spanish Sahara were Spanish colonies in Africa.

How did spanish colonies support themselves?

The Spanish colonies supported themselves by raising cattle and crops.

What is the sane of the English and Spanish colonies?

The English and Spanish colonies were established for complete different reasons

What organized through the development of spanish colonies?

the development of spanish colonies in the New World was organizeed through:

What four groups made up society in the spanish colonies?

The four social classes in the Spanish colonies were peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, and Indians.

What are the powerful rulers of the spanish colonies called?

The powerful rulers of the Spanish colonies were called viceroys. They were appointed by the Spanish monarch to govern the colonies and represent royal interests.

Why were the Carolina colonies founded?

The colonies in the Carolinas were founded as a blockade against Spanish expansion. They were to act as a wall against the spread of Spanish colonies from Florida.

Did Spanish colonies have just have men from Spain or did they bring females from Spain also?

The Spanish Colonies had women they were not there at first but once the colonies became permanent The realized they needed women in the colonies.

Goals of the spanish colonies?

== ==

When and where were the Spanish colonies formed?

This colony was formed as a buffer from the Spanish.

What was the highest class of people in the spanish colonies?

Nobles - spanish

What is the same of the English and Spanish colonies?

They both live in the North America . And They both want colonies in America . And The English and Spanish colonies were established for complete different reasons.