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Well, I don't know for all systems, but for the Xbox 360 here are some characters as followed: Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, Asokha, Master Plo, Kit Fitso, Commander Cody, other clone troopers, Master Luminara, and Aayla Secura. That's all I got so far, plus you can buy masks with force points you get. I rate this game 6.7- 10. Hope I helped!

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Q: What characters can you play as in star wars the clone wars republic heroes?
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How do you play as Yoda in star wars the clone wars republic heroes?

You can't. Yoda is not a playable character.

Can you play as padme amidala on Star Wars the clone wars republic heroes?

no. But you can play as anakin, plo koon ,obi wan and others

Who can you play as in star wars the clone wars republic heroes?

There are several characters to play as in the game. The playable characters in the PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PS2 and PSP versions are Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon, Commander Cody, Sergeant Kano, "Rookiee" clone, Clone Private Switch, Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Aayla Secura, Luminara Unduli, Rex and Boomer. The playable characters in the Nintendo DS version are Cad Bane, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Luminara Unduli, Kit Fisto, Rex, Cody, Commander Gree, R2-D2 and Padme Amidala.

Can you unlock clone trupers in star wars battle front 2?

Yeah you just play in the clone wars era on the republic side.

Can you play as clone troopers in Star Wars republic heros?

If its playstation yes if not playstation im not sure.

Can 2 people play against each other in ps2 star wars the clone wars republic hero?

Well, yes. Even though 2 players play side-by-side in the levels, most of the levels have challenges in which you try to come in first place before your opponent. For the Republic Heroes game, that's the only against-each-other co-op gameplay in the entire game

Can you be clones in Star Wars Republic Heros?

Yes. There are a handful of levels in which you play as clones only. But there are more Jedi levels than clone levels. There are 2 levels in which the story requires you to play as both

Is there a website where you can make your own clone trooper?

Star Wars Battlefront 1 & 2 are pretty good. But by far the best to play is Star Wars Republic Commando. You play as a Commando in the Clone Wars and fight on different planets like Geonosis and Kashyyyk.

How to play naruto mugen?

just play it lol.. it fun.. you can do many jutsu.. all characters i know they jutsu.. if you want to know how to do the jutsu.. just play it everyday.. like me.. then you will encounter new jutsu