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When halogens form ions, they are called halide ions. These types of ions have a negative charge due to gaining electrons.

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Halogens have a Negative Charge.

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Q: What charge do the halogens form?
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What charge do halogens have when they become an ion?

-1 charge.because they have seven valence electrons, halogens tend to share one electron or gain one electron to attain a stable, noble -gas electron configuration. they tend to form ions with a 1- charge

Is group 7A cations?

Halogens (group 7A) form ions with a 1- charge.

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The halogens, listed in column 17 of a wide form periodic table.

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What group of elements tends to form negative ions that have a -1 charge?

Group that tend to form -1 ions include group VIIA

Do halogens form diatomic molecules?

Yes, halogens form diatomic molecules.

Why are halogens the most stable ionic charge?

Halons are a class of element, not a type of charge. As for why the halogens have the most stable charges, they don't - at least not all of them.

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Halogens are not salts but they are chemical elements; halogens can form salts reacting with metals.

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What are two prperties of the halogens?

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Does fluorine form a positive or negative ion?

Negative (Fl-) All the halogens become negative ions.