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Q: What charge does an object always become after you ground it?
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What effect does grounding have on a charged object?

To ground an object means to connect it through a conductor to the ground, or Earth. Grounding is a way to prevent an electric charge from building on an object, or to get rid of an electric charge.

Why does earth not become charged when people in the world ground objects?

Because the world is so big and effectivel removes all the excess charge from the object. Jade.H

When an object is charged by contact what kind of charge does the object have compared with the charge on the object giving the charge?

Assuming both were neutral to start, an object which is charged by contact with another object would have the opposite charge to the object with which the charge transfer occurred as charge is a conserved property. An object that loses electrons to another object would become more positive while and object which gains electrons would become more negatively charged. it can be negative, since the electrons are the only ones to move from a charge to the object positive charge does NOT move thus once it gave the electrons, the thing will get a positive charge while the object will be a negative charge pretty much i said it in easier words from the paragraph above ^^^^^^^^^^^^

How does an object become electrically charge?

by gaining or losing electrons.

Do electric charges always move to the center of a charged object?

No , a static charge will always appear to be concentrated around the edge of the object....

How an object become positively charged?

An object becomes positively charged if it loses electrons. This is because electrons have a negative charge, so the less of them there are in an object, the stronger the positive charge is.

Why can't you charge a copper tube if you are holding it?

You can't charge an object while holding it because you are grounding it by touching it. You ground it because a person is a conductor and they are conected to the ground, or earth.

Does grounding have an effect on charged objects?

Grounding is the process of removing the excess charge on an object by means of the transfer of electrons between it and another object of substantial size. When a charged object is grounded, the excess charge is balanced by the transfer of electrons between the charged object and a ground. A ground is simply an object which serves as a seemingly infinite reservoir of electrons; the ground is capable of transferring electrons to or receiving electrons from a charged object in order to neutralize that object.

Can objects be charged by induction?

I'm really not sure, however I know that when charging by induction, the electrons repel during induction, due to grounding an object. The charge that an object has when it is charged by induction varies depending on the amount of electrons taken away. When an object is charged by induction, the object has the opposite charge of the object inducing the charge.

Why does an object that acquires an excess of electrons become a negatively charged object?

Because the electron is a particle with an electrical negative charge.

When the object is charged by contact what kind of charge does the object have compared with that on the object giving the charged?

When an object is charged by contact, the object getting the charge has the same charge compared with that of the object giving the charge. so if the object giving the charge has a positive charge, so does the object getting the charge

How do objects charge by contact?

Objects become charged when electrons move from object to another