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Q: What chart is used to explanation of how a series of measurements taken over equal intervals of time?
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A time series chart is good for showing data that occurs over a time interval, but the intervals between data points are not consistent. See related links for how to make a time series chart with Excel.

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How do you change a column chart ao a pie chart?

Not all column charts can be converted to pie charts. It can only be done if the column chart has a single series, as a pie chart can only have one series. If the column chart has more than one series, only one series will be shown when it becomes a pie chart. If the column chart has a single series then going to the Chart menu and choosing Chart type will enable you to change it.

What does a multiple data series chart do?

It is simply a chart that shows more than one series, often to compare them or to see is there a connection. Some charts, like a pie chart, can only have one series, but others, like a line chart, can have multiple series.

Where can I find a chart for a plus size swimsuit?

There is a sizing chart available at Make sure you take the right measurements of your body and then refer to the chart.

Can you show me a measurements chart for fifth graders?

I don't know if this will help u but it may ( at least the chart pasted (above) said it was a readable chart

What is a flow chart of WTO?

a brife explanation of wto and its funtion