

What cheese can fly?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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Q: What cheese can fly?
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As sure as cheese can mold. Cheese is a form of mold.....

How i fly to the moon on cheese?

because you are awesome 8D

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Why does cheese fly high?

Because red bull has wings

What is cheese from sonic x?

Cheese is a chao(pronounced: "chow"). He flies around Cream who is a rabbit. Cheese helps Cream when she can't fly anymore with her ears.

Why penguins have wings but they cannot fly?

because when i was young i had a cheese burger

Does Elmo fly in cheese?

Nope/ he is too cool. DODO HEAD!!

Is it illegal to kill a fly. because i saw a fly on a lead outside a corner shop and i stamped on it?

I like eggs with cheese.

Is cheese a verb?

Verbs are action words, like run, fly, sleep, and so on. Nouns are things, like horse, planet, dust, and cheese.

When did Samuel Pepys bury his cheese?

He buried wine and cheese in his back garden as the cheese was a very expensive kind

If the moon is made of green cheese then pigs can fly the moon is made of green cheese therefore pigs can fly is a well structured argument?

This is a classical example of a tautology. The sentence "if [P and Not(P)], then Q" is always true, regardless of the truth values of P and Q. This is the principle that, from a contradiction, anything (and everything) follows as a logical conclusion. Essentially, assuming something that can never be true is true ("If the moon is made of green cheese"), you can prove anything. Thus the statement "If the moon is made of green cheese then pigs can fly" is true.

If you opened a new package of cheese and a live fly is on the cheese would you throw it away?

I'd take it back to where I bought it and ask for a new package. If you don't want to do that, throw it out.