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Onions store energy in their bulb in the form of carbohydrates. The carbohydrates are stored as soluble fiber and glucose. Onions also have some starch, but not nearly as much as tuberous vegetables.

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Q: What chemical form do onions store their energy?
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Energy can change from one form to another.For example,living things store potential energy as chemical energy.

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Well, Chemical energy is not formed by the flow of electron. The flow of electrons is responsible for the generation of electricity. It is not possible to store electrical energy in its original form. So this electrical energy is stored in the form of chemical energy in case of a battery (Electrical energy is stored in the chemicals of a battery thus converting into chemical energy.) Therefore, Electron flow generates only electricity and no chemical energy is formed.

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Usually this is some sort of potential energy, especially chemical energy, but also nuclear energy.

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The form of energy that comes from chemical bonds is known as chemical energy. Chemical energy is considered potential energy, as it requires a transformation to occur.

Is chemical energy a form of energy?

Yes, chemical energy is a form of potential energy. An example is the chemical energy in coal, which can be burned to convert that chemical energy into thermal energy.