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Q: What chemical is added to food in your mouth?
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Where the digestion of food begin?

Digestion begins in the mouth. Mechanical digestion begins with the chewing of food. Chemical digestion also begins in the mouth with the enzymes been produced and used to break down the food.

What is term for the chemical breakdown of food in the mouth?

Mastication, commonly known as chewing, is the term for the mechanical breakdown of food in the mouth.

A chemical substance secreteded in the mouth to digest food is?


Why does antioxidant added to food?

Antioxidant -- a chemical added to food to stop it going bad by reaction with oxygen in the air

What organ in the mouth begins the chemical digestion of food?

Salivary glands

Chemical and mechanical digestion of food occur int he stomach?

no in the mouth

Why mouth important in digestive system?

The mouth allows you to ingest food, or take food into your body. In addition, the mouth is the site of the first mechanical and chemical digestion in the GI tract.

Where does chemical digestion begin in the rat?

Like human, the chemical digestion of food begins in the mouth of the rat.

In which part of your body is water used for softening food?

Both fluids and saliva are added to food in the mouth. In the stomach, mostly acid is added.

A chemical which is added to food to retard spoilage is called?


Is food a chemical change?

food is a chemical change if it is added with other components and turned into a form and if it is taken raw then it is not chemical change because no change is occuring

Where in the human body will chemical digestion begin?

Digestion begins in the mouth. Saliva begins the breakdown of food, and the teeth and tongue masticate the food to prepare it for passage through the esophagus and further digestion in the stomach.