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Q: What chemical is cancer causing in cheyenne cigars?
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Does Cheyenne cigars contain tar?

They most definetely do. That's why a smokers' lung turns black because of the damage the cigars have done and the lung is caked in tar.

Is it better to smoke cheyenne cigars classic filtered than smoking Marlboro?

Hell yeah!

What is the treatment of cigars after you are hooked?

You are not "hooked" on cigars. You just "man up" and quit. Its not like cancer sticks.

What are the worst illnesses for smoking cigars?

A cold. Cigars just don't taste good when you have a cold.

Was President U. S. Grant an alcoholic?

no he smoked 20 cigars a day and died of lung cancer no he smoked 20 cigars a day and died of lung cancer

What ingredients in cigars are considered harmful to your body in studies?

Cigars contains 4,000 chemicals, which includes 43 known cancer-causing compounds. (Carcinogens) such as tar, carbon monoxide, nicotine, formaldehyde ammonia, arsenic, hydrogen cyanide, and DDT. Nicotine is also highly addictive.

Can you kill yourself from smoking cigars?

yes from lung cancer

Which president smoked 20 cigars a day and died from throat cancer?

Ulysses S. Grant died from throat cancer and smoked cigars- I do not know how many.

How much damage do cigars do to the lungs?

Cigars can cause bronchitis, lung cancer (both of which could kill you), and so much damage that it could kill you. Solution - Don't inhale cigars.

How much nicotine in Cheyenne cigars?

Yes, all tobacco products contain nicotine. However, the amount can deteriorate depending on how long the cigars have aged.

Is smoking cigars more dangerous if you have already had skin cancer than to a person who has not had any form of cancer?

No, not at all, despite tobacco being dangerous to your health-- cigars less so if you have had skin cancer then smoking will not increase the chances of you getting cancer. However, if you have had lung cancer then it does make it extremely more dangerous to smoke.

What is healtheer a cigar or cigaret?

Claiming that one is healthier than the other would be somewhat misleading. Both contain many cancer-causing chemicals. The main difference from a health standpoint would be the parts of the body most likely to be affected. Cigars are generally smoked by pulling the smoke into your mouth and then blowing the smoke out without inhaling into your lungs. Cigarette smoke is inhaled. Thus cigarettes are more likely to cause lung and lower throat cancer and cigars are more likely to cause upper throat and mouth cancers. Note that some people who smoke cigars do inhale the smoke. Those people are at a greater risk for lung cancer because cigars are not usually filtered.