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Examples: ethanol, vinegar, salt, aspirin, ice erc.

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Q: What chemical substance should we apply when an ant bites?
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Why do gnats come out at night and have itchy bites?

Gnats come out at night since they are afraid of the light and have itchy bites. When you are bitten by a gnat, you should apply anti-itch cream.

Does Permethrin Cream 5 percent stop bed bug bites?

Permetrin creams are used against scabies. To kill bed bugs you should apply a specific method.

When a toddler falls and bites there lip what should you do?

Depends on how deep the cut is. You should be able to just apply pressure and stop the bleeding with a paper towel kleenex or if it keeps bleeding and looks serious take them to a hospital to have it checked out.

When an ant bites a person which irritating chemical it injects into person body?

Formic acid

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they kill you stupid

Should I get canine bites?

I look like this

Should you reprimand a cat if she bites you in the face?


What would happen if a dog bites you and it has shots?

Nothing should happen unless the dog bites you severely

How do you apply sebo de macho for mosquitoe bites?

Sebo de macho is a scar removing cream. It is not particularly effective for mosquito bites unless you are applying it to reduce the appearance of bite scars. However, you would apply it just as you would for a scar, per the tube's directions.

What type of dogs bites should be treated?

All dog bites should be treated. Seek advice from your doctor or nearest emergency department of your local hospital.

Is there anything to stop flea bites?

flea collar and theres a special medicine you apply on your pet you can get recommendations from your vet

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