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Q: What chemical will burn when exposed to the sun?
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What chemical does the sun burn?

The sun fuses hydrogen in its core. It does not burn it in the sense we are familiar with.

What is bad about the holes in the ozone?

The Ozone layer protects us from the sun. If we didn't have the Ozone layer, our Earth would burn up as we would be fully exposed to the sun.

What can the sun do to you?

Ultraviolet light from the sun can cause skin cancer if you are exposed to enough of it for a sufficiently long time. If untreated, skin cancer can be fatal. Staring directly at the sun can cause permanent or temporary blindness, depending upon circumstances.

What causes the sun to burn your skin?

UVA and UVB rays cause the sun to burn your skin. When the skin is exposed to the sun for a period of time and without any sunscreen on, the ultraviolet light penetrates the skin, burning it.

What is the cause of pyrolysis?

Pyrolysis is a chemical decomposition caused by heat. When a combustible material is exposed to high temperatures for a long time will dry out, break and can even burn.

What is the ability of a substance to react in the presence of oxygen and burn when exposed to flame?

This is the chemical property called combustibility.

What would happen if earth was exposed to the sun for 6 months?

The earth is continuously exposed to the sun, and has been for 4.5 billion years. If you mean, what would happen if the earth stopped rotating for six months, one side would burn off and the other side would freeze.

Is cobalt flammability?

it's agressively active to simple air, if exposed, it will burn extremely brightly it's agressively active to simple air, if exposed, it will burn extremely brightly

What colors become hotter when exposed to the sun?

Black is quite a hot colour when exposed to the sun

If you're exposed to liquid chemical?

Depends on what the chemical is.

Can you sun burn at the dead sea?

Yes you can. It is very hot and sunny there most of the time.

Do all people get sun burn?

yes no matter what you are you get a sun burn