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Q: What chemicals make up a stingray's poison?
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Can you get ink poison from a pen?

Yes, you can. There are many toxins and chemicals that make up the ink.

Does make up testing harm animals?

Yes, it is very harmful because the chemicals in makeup is poison to the animals.

How is a snake poison converted to anesthesia?

Certain enzymes and chemicals which make up snake venom can be isolated and refined.

What color are stingrays?

Stingrays can be up to 20 different colours

Should you make someone vomit if they swallow chemicals?

It depends on what chemicals the person has swallowed. Some chemicals will do even more harm coming back up. Others need to be expelled as soon as possible. A poison control center (911) can tell you the appropriate thing to do in each situation.

Where do mobile phone finally end up when no longer use?

They end up in countries that take electronic waste to make money by burning the chemicals in side to find things like copper and sell them. these countries are usually very poor countries. but by burning these electronic waste the burning chemicals make the people sick and can poison the food.

Are manta rays bigger then stingrays?

Manta rays can grow much bigger than stingrays. Mantas can grow up to 23 feet while stingrays can grow up to 6.5 feet.

How do stingrays give birth?

stingrays actually give live birth up to 4-9 babies or pups

What chemicals make up the sun?

hydrogen and helium

What 4 chemicals make up DNA strands?

more than 4 chemicals make it up but the 4 nitrogen bases are adinine guanine cytosine and thymine

How many poison arrows does one dose of weapon poison make?

One vial of weapon poison can poison up to 5 arrows(5 projectiles per one vial).

What can rat poison do to a baby?

It can make the baby throuh up, for up to two days.