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Q: What chemistry philosopher believed that the world is made up of two things empty space and particles called atoms?
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Voltaire, he was the philosopher who also believed in freedom of belief.

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In chemistry, particles with an overall electric charge are called ions.

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Depends on the context. If this is a chemistry experiment it would be called a precipitate. If this is water in say a water course it would be called sediment.

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A philosopher who believes that all knowledge arises from experience is called an "empiricist." In western philosophy, the three modern philosophers who developed empiricism were John Locke, George Berkeley, and David Hume.

Who is the first scientist discover the atom?

Democritus a greek philosopher was the first to propose that every matter are made up of tiny particles called atom or in greek "a-timos"

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No, it was man named Democritus. Aristotle believed the opposite, actually. He believed in a contiguous matter theory.

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Hobbes, an Enlightenment Philosopher believed people needed to be governed by an absolute monarch as described in his writing called the Leviathan.

Greek philosopher that suggested matter was made up of atoms?

Who was the Greek philosopher who coined the term "atom"? Who was the Greek philosopher who coined the term "atom"? Democritus

How do you say philosopher in french?

a philosopher is called "un philosophe" in French.

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Light particles are called Photons.

What is electricity and chemistry?

Combined, this area is called electrochemistry, a very interesting technique for probing redox processes and many more. Electricity is a form of energy resultant of charged particles. Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the matter that a substance is made up of