

What chickens lay coco colored eggs?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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If you mean eggs that are commonly called just "brown eggs", Rhode Island Red is a species that lays brown eggs - and there may be others.

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What special feature do chickens that lay brown eggs have?

Chickens that lay different colored eggs such as brown, green, blue or pink are no different then white egg laying chickens. A chicken that lays different colored eggs will have different colored skin, but that's it.

Do some breeds of chickens lay colored eggs?

Yes Aracuana chickens can lay eggs with shells in shades of blue and green.

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Welsummer chickens lay dark brown eggs. If you have a bird that looks like a welsummer but lays white eggs its probably a brown leghorn.

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no they lay eggs THEY DON'T!! but some chickens lay eggs that turn into chicks over time

Do all chickens lay eggs?

The females from all breeds of chickens lay eggs. Some hens stop laying when they are old, but there are no breeds or varieties of chickens in which the females do not lay eggs. Roosters, as the male of the species, never lay eggs.

Why are chicken's eggs colored?

Hens eggs have been colored for years as decoration and even fine works of art. Some breeds of chicken actually lay real colored eggs. Easter egg chickens, Americana and Araucana breeds lay eggs ranging from colors like dusty rose, lavender, green and even gold.

Do boy hens lay eggs am trying to say do boy hens lay eggs all year?

Hens are mom chickens and roosters are dad chickens. Only mom chickens, hens, lay eggs. They lay eggs all year.

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Chickens lay eggs.

Why dont chickens lay as much eggs in wet weather?

Chickens will lay more eggs when it is warm and sunny. You can put a light where the nests are to innfluence the chickens to lay more eggs.

Can chickens lay eggs?

yes they can