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Odysseus has to milk the goats.

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Q: What chores does Polyphemus have to do in the cave in odyssey?
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Who is the son whose eye you blinded in The Odyssey?

The son whose eye was blinded in The Odyssey is Polyphemus, the Cyclops. Odysseus and his men blinded Polyphemus as they escaped from his cave.

In the odyssey who is the cheese-eating cave dweller?

Odysseus and his men eat (steal) cheese in Polyphemus' cave. Polyphemus was a giant cyclops. He did not like his cheese being eaten.

What are 5 examples of Odysseus' curiosity in the Odyssey?

One is: When Odysseus' curiosity leads him to Polyphemus' (Cyclops) cave, and see how Polyphemus treats them.

What is a polyhphemus in The Odyssey?

Polyphemus is the son of Poseidon.He is one of the Cyclops and is blinded by Odysseus when he trapped them in his cave.

What was the story the cyclops about from The Odyssey?

The cyclops Polyphemus from The Odyssey appears in book nine. Odysseus and his men land the island of the Cyclopes and finds a cave filled with food and other provisions. Polyphemus returns and finds Odysseus and his men in the cave and ultimately kills six men. When Polyphemus falls asleep, Odysseus drives a stake into his eye and escapes.

Who is Polyphemous in The Odyssey?

Polyphemus is a Cyclops who traps Odysseus and his men in a cave in Homer's epic poem The Odyssey. He is blinded by Odysseus and his men as they escape, leading to Poseidon's anger towards Odysseus. Polyphemus is a symbol of the dangers that the hero faces on his journey home.

How heavy is the of the cyclops' cave?

In The Odyssey: The door to Polyphemus' cave weighed more than 22 strong 4-wheeled wagons could move. It is a massive boulder.

How heavy is the door of the cyclops cave?

In the Odyssey: The door to Polyphemus' cave weighed more than 22 strong 4-wheeled wagons could move. It is a massive boulder.

Who were the cyclops in The Odyssey?

It was Polyphemus.

Who was a cyclops in Odyssey?


How was polythemus blinded in the odyssey?

In the Odyssey, Polyphemus was blinded by Odysseus and his men by driving a wooden stake into his only eye while he was asleep. This act was part of their escape plan from the cyclops's cave.

How does Polyphemus being a cyclops instead of an ordinary giant help Odysseus escape in the Odyssey?

Odysseus is able to escape the cave by blinding Polyphemus' one eye. It would be hard to blind a two-eyed giant.