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Down syndrome is caused by a triplication of the 21st chromosome.

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No Chromosomes are missing. Down syndrome is a case of an EXTRA 21st chromosome in every cell

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Q: What chromosomes do you get an extra copy for in humans that results in Down syndrome?
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What type of disorders are karyotyping used to diagnose?

Chromosomal disorders can be observed in a human karyotype. It can show whether there are extra chromosomes, or missing chromosomes, or malformed chromosomes, or whether chromosomes have extra pieces, or missing pieces.

What syndrome is inherited when an egg carrying two X chromosomes is fertilized by a sperm?

Klinefelter's Syndrome results if a person has XXY (an extra X chromosome). The main effects are hypogonadism and reduced fertility.

How many chromosomes does a person with edward Syndrome have?

47 chromosomes , the extra one is the pair no# 18

People with down syndrome have how many chromosomes?

47There are 47 chromosomes in someone with Down syndrome; the 21st pair has an extra chromosome. Most people have 46 chromosomes. Down syndrome is also known as "Trisomy 21" - a reference to the fact that someone with Down syndrome has 3 pairs of chromosomes on their 21st pair.

Difference between the chromosomes of a person with Down syndrome and a person without Down syndrome?

An individual with Down Syndrome has the presence of all or part of an extra 21st chromosome.

What is the genetic cause of Down syndrome?

Both syndrome's indicate the presence of a 47th chromosome (or extra part of a chromosome). Most humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, totaling 46 chromosomes. For Down's syndrome, the 47th chromosome appears with the 21st pairing. For Klinefelter's syndrome the 47th chromosome appears with the 26th pairing (the gender chromosomes.)

Will the eggs of a down syndrome women have extra chromosomes?

yes they will have one more chromosome

What syndrome is inherited when an egg carrying two x chromosomesis fertilized by a sperm carrying one y chromosome?

Klinefelter's Syndrome results when a person has XXY chromosomes (an extra X chromosome). The main effects of this are hypogonadism and reduced fertility.

Is klinefelter's syndrome caused by a mutation?

No it is caused by the Non-Disjunction of sex Chromosomes. Males with Klinefelter's syndrome have an extra X chromosome.

What is the result of non-disjunction of chromosomes?

The non - disjunction of chromosomes results in - 1 -Linkage which results in maintenance of parental base pairs of nucleotides (present in genes) in the offsprings. 2 - Due to above result some genetic disorder can take place like Down Syndrome (due to non - disjunction of chromosome no. 21 ) , Edward Syndrome (due to non - disjunction of chromosome no. 18 ) ,etc . 3 - If non -disjunction of chromosomes occurs in Gametes then again it results in defect in the foetus like poorly developed features of male or female ,etc .

What are examples of genetic disorders that is caused by insertion of extra codons in the x sex chromosome?

The phenomenon of having an extra chromsome is called anueploidy. Depending on the chromosome of which the extra copy exists, there are many disorders.Down Snydrome is the most common disorder associated with an extra autosomal chromosome, but it is not the only one. The other condintions that come from extra copies of an autosome (non-sex chromosome) that result in the most live births are:Edward's Syndrome from an extra copy of 18 andPatau syndrome which is caused by an extra 13.As for sex chromosomes,an extra X chromosome results in Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY) in males andmetafemale or XXX syndrome in women.Males with an extra Y are simply refered to as having XYY syndrome.

Where did down syndrome come from?

Downs syndrome is a genetic abnormality caused by an extra chromosome, in simple terms - as a healthy individual you inherit 22 chromosomes from your mother and 22 from your father, so that's 44 altogether, 1 chromosome from each of your parents will combine to form 22 sets, in a person with Downs syndrome there is an extra abnormally shaped set of chromosomes. So in short a person with Downs syndrome has 23 chromosomes instead of 22.