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Both have an x chromosome. Girls are XX and boys are XY

In Human being Y- chromosome is a determinig factor for maleness.

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10y ago

44 autosomes, one x chromosome, and one Y chromosome

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10y ago

All the chromosomes. In human males, there is a unique Y chromosome in addition to X chromosome that is found in females. In other species, such as in some reptiles, this may be reversed.

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13y ago

46, XY

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Q: What chromosomes make up the 23rd set of chromosomes in a human male?
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What are heterosomes?

Heterosomes are the sex chromosomes, i.e.: the 23rd pair of chromosomes in a karyotype. In a human female these are XX, and in a human male they are XY.

What are sex chromosomes in a human male?

We call these sex chromosomes. Whether you are a male or female depends on the presence or absence of certain chromosomes. The sex chromosomes are the X chromosome and the Y chromosome. If you have two XX, you will show female characteristics and If you have XY you will show male characteristics.

The 23rd pair of human chromosomes tells the gender with xx being and xy being male which gender is karyotype?

XX is Female XY is Male

What is the 23rd pair of chromosomes that differ in males and females called?

The 22 pairs of chromosomes in human somatic cells that are same in males and females are called autosomes.

A girl last set of chromosomes is?

A human female has exactly the same number of chromosomes as a human male. In humans, each cell normally contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46. However, the 23rd pair, the sex chromosomes, differ between males and females. Females have two of the "X" version of this chromosome, while the male has an "X" version and a "Y" version.

What does the 23Rd chromosome represent?

The 23rd chromosome is the sex chromosome. It is either an X or Y (strictly male) chromosome. When the sperm and egg cells fuse, they combine into 46 chromosomes with either two X chromosomes or an XY pairing. If it is 2 X chromosomes, the zygote is a female. If it is an XY pairing, the zygote is a male.

One of the pair of chromosomes that determines the sex of an individual?

The 23rd pair in a karyotype shows if it will be male or female

What kind of chromosomes do the body cells of humans have?

All Human Body Cells, also called somatic cells, have 46 chromosomes. These 46 occur is 23 pair. The first 22 pair are called autosomes. The 23rd pair are the sex chromosomes, xx for female, xy for male.

How many chromosomes are in each sperm produced by a male?

There are 23 chromosomes in each sperm produced by a human male.

Why is the 23rd pair of chromosomes not always homologous?

The 23rd pair of chromosomes are the sex chromosomes. In female humans, both sex chromosomes are homologous, and characterized as XX. In male humans, one sex chromosome is an X chromosome and the other is a much smaller, nonhomologous Y chromosome, and is characterized as XY.

What is the chromosome pair XX?

Generally, since the sex determining region is on the Y chromosome, this person is male. The SRY is a gene control area that determines male sex. Female is the default body plan in humans; males are made.

What is the genotype for a human male?

If you are referring to chromosomes, it is XY.