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Deoxygenated blood leaves the right ventricle through the pulmonary artery and goes to the lung to get oxygenated. The newly oxygenated blood leaves the lung and goes to the left artium through the pulmonary vein. This is called pulmonary circulation.

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Q: What circulation route takes deoxegenated blood to the lungs where it can pick up oxygen?
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What is the circulation of blood to and from the lungs known as?

The flow of blood to and from the lungs is called pulmonary circulation.

Blood Is oxygenated where in the body?

Blood is pumped into the lungs and the blood is oxygenated when oxygen is taken into the lungs

How is the circulation of a different from the circulation of a baby?

in a fetus blood does not reach the lungs for purification. In a baby blood goes to the lungs for oxygenation.

How does oxygen that the lungs breathe in get distributed in your body?

By the blood circulation.

What circulation transports deoxygenated blood to the lungs to get oxygen?

Blood travels to the lungs because it is not oxygenated and it will become oxygenated in the lungs, since that is what the lungs are for. The pulmonary artery takes blood to the lungs, and the pulmonary vein takes blood from the lungs back to the heart, from whence it is pumped throughout the body.

What is the circulation of the blood to and from the lungs known as?

It is called the pulmonary circulation, where blood travels to the lungs to receive oxygen and lose carbon dioxide, before returning to the heart.

How is oxygen depleted blood carried to the lungs?

This is through the Pulmonary Circulation.

How can you use the word pulmonary circulation in a sentence?

The pulmonary circulation is responsible for moving blood between the heart and the lungs.

What are the functions of systematic coronary and pulmonary circulation?

Coronary circulation is the circulation in veins and arteries that lead to your heart and give it nutrients. Pulmonary circulation is when the heart pumps oxygen poor blood into the lungs to be filled with nutrients from oxygen. Systematic circulation is the heart pumping oxygen rich blood from the lungs and to the rest of the body, then back to the heart to repeat the process.

The aorta which Carrie’s oxygen rich blood from the heart to all parts of the body is a part of which circulation patheay?

Pulmonary Circulation Is Responsible For Carrying Oxygen-Poor Blood From The Heart To The Lungs And Returns Oxygen-Rich Blood Back To The Heart. The Oxygen-Rich Blood Then Enters The Systemic Circulation Which Is The Circuit Responsible For Bringing Oxygenated Blood From The Heart To The Rest Of The Body. In This Part Of The Worksheet, You Are To Trace The This problem has been solved! Pulmonary circulation is responsible for carrying oxygen-poor blood from the heart to the lungs and returns oxygen-rich blood

What does the term circulation refer to?

Circulation can refer to the circulatory system (i.e. blood, oxygen, lungs... yeah) or the circulation of rush hour traffic.

Why is the blood that enters the heart from systemic circulation oxygen poor?

Systemic circulation circulates through body tissues but not the lungs.