

What cities are street gangs in?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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Street gangs are found in all major cities.

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Q: What cities are street gangs in?
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Related questions

What cities are street gangs found?

Nearly all of the big ones now-a-days.

Are street gangs a major problem in inner cities?

Street gangs can be a problem in some inner cities, often contributing to violence and criminal activity. While not all inner cities have a gang issue, those that do can experience higher rates of gang-related crimes and community disruption. Efforts to address the root causes, such as poverty and lack of opportunities, are crucial in combating gang activity.

Can caucasian people join street gangs?

Yes, Caucasian people can join street gangs.

Where can someone find more information about street gangs?

One can find information about street gangs by researching in a psychological journal. There are countless journal articles about the culture and background to individuals who are members of street gangs.

What is the largest street gang in Africa?

Africa doesn't really have any street gangs, they mainly have more organized drug trade organizations than street gangs.

How many black street gangs are there?

there are about 700.

Who started street gangs?

Terrence Jackson

What is the biggest gang in the us?

Latin Kings are the biggest and best organized!!!!!

Where would one find the Nortenos?

The Nortenos are street gangs located in California. One could find them in the Northern cities of California. They can also be found in the states of Oregon and Washington.

Are there any street gangs who have went to war with the mafia?

Street gangs like bloods or crips? not likely because the mafia doesn't want to deal with the areas of "business" street gangs are predominantly involved in, if they were to get in the mafias areas, they would likely not be around very long. Just my opinion - street gangs are pretty much just small time thugs compared to organized mafia families.

Is the Hispanic street gangs still active?

Of course

What was the first gang ever invented and what year was it?

The word "gang" comes from "gonge," a term originally meaning a journey, but later referring to a "gonge" of sailors in the fifteenth century. "Gangs" of outlaws or wild young men came into common usage by Shakespeare's time. The "Father of Gang Research," Frederic Thrasher, gave the word its industrial-era meaning in the 1920s and made "gang" into a term which meant kids of the street. But US gangs had other predecessors than unsupervised street urchins. There are four kinds of "gangs" which were predecessors of the street gangs of today. 1. Secret Societies; 2. Gangs of Outlaws in the Wild West; 3.Racist gangs like the Klu Klux Klan; and 4. "Voting Gangs" tied mainly to the Democratic Party in large cities.