

What cities benefited from the Erie Canal?

Updated: 7/21/2022
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9y ago

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New York City benefited greatly from the Erie Canal. It made NYC the busiest port on the Atlantic Ocean.

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Larry Ritchie

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6y ago

New York City benefited greatly from the Erie Canal. It made NYC the busiest port on the Atlantic Ocean.

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What effect did the Erie Canal have on the cities located along the Canal?

The cities along the Erie Canal became prosperous.

What cities are along the Erie Canal?

Buffalo, NY is the westernmost city on the Erie Canal.

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There are a number of cities along the Erie Canal including Albany, Syracuse, Buffalo, and Utica.

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Many of the immigrants that traveled the Erie Canal ended up in cities like Cleveland and Chicago. Some of the workers of the Erie Canal also worked on canals in Ohio and the Illinois Michigan canal near Chicago.

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The Erie Canal

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The Erie Canal was not cemented.

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No the Erie Canal did not join the Ohio River. But New York was not the only state that built canals. The state of Ohio also built canals. The Miami and Erie Canal went to the Ohio River. The Erie and Ohio Canal also reached the Ohio River. Neither of these canals were as successful as the Erie Canal.

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the Erie canal

Which of these cities was the western end point of the Erie Canal when it was completed in 1825?

Buffalo, New York