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Q: What city state was most closely linked to the category of democracy?
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Related questions

How is democracy linked to the Greeks?

The concept of democracy is closely linked to ancient Greece. The city-state of Athens is often considered the birthplace of democracy, where citizens had the right to participate in decision-making processes through voting and having a say in public affairs. Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle also extensively discussed and analyzed the principles and mechanisms of democracy, influencing the development of democratic governance systems throughout history.

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Australia is a constitutional democracy and monarchy with its titular head of state the "monarch of Britain".

How government and religion closely linked in early civilizations?

The highest powers were said to be choosen by whichever gods or goddesses they believed in. They had state gods but allowed other religions

Are there mountains in Reno Nevada?

The simple answer is NO. The Rockies do not encompass any portion of Nevada. The Major Range is the Sierra Nevada's that are more closely linked to the Siskiyous and they in turn are linked to the cascades. The closet area that the Rockies could be linked to is in the eastern most portion of the state through the great basin area but here again they are not linked.

Does Vietnam has democracy?

Yes it does. It is still a democracy republic state.

what city state had the first democracy?

No empire established democracy. The first instance of democracy was in the city-state of ancient Athens, which was a republic. Since democracy means rule by the people, the terms democracy and empire are a dichotomy.

Does Tanzania have true democracy?

No it does not. They are a republic and not a democracy. There is no head of state in a republic.

What is a nation or state where all the people elect representatives?

A democracy - a parliamentary democracy

What Greek city state was known for it's democracy?

Athens was the birthplace of democracy.

Is Brazil a parliamentary democracy or a presidential democracy?

NEITHER. Cuba is a Communist Autocracy.

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Is North Korea a democracy state?
