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Q: What civilizations did the renaissance look back to?
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During the Renaissance Europeans uncovered knowledge from what ancient civilizations?

Renaissance scholars investigated the civilizations around the northern Mediterranean, especially the Greeks and the Romans.

What two civilizations had a huge impact on the Renaissance?

greek and roman

What civilizations did renaissance thinkers and artists take inspiration from?

Greek and Roman.

Which civilizations influenced the Renaissance artists and builders?

B. the Reformation

The Renaissance movement was inspired by the ideas of which TWO ancient civilizations?

Greeks and Romans

The Renaissance was a rebirth of the ideas of which ancient civilization?

Greek and Romans civilizations

The renaissance was a rebirth of the ideas of which ancient civilizations?

The citys are Milan, Venice, and Florence.

What did Italian renaissance currency look like?

Try googling "florin". That was their standard currency back then...

What 2 classical civilizations did the Italian's look to for their inspiration during the Renaissance?

The Ancient Greeks and Romans. They read their books, painted about their mythology, and gained architectural influence from them.

Which point of view best represents the philosophy of the Renaissance?

The Greek and roman civilizations are worthy of study.

What does the Renaissance refer to?

Renaissance means "rebirth." It typically refers to the peoples of Europe that wanted to recover lost information from Greece and Rome. They were civilizations that learned very advanced techniques for their times and eventually died out. The people living in the Middle East retained these technologies and, when the crusades were carried out, the Europeans uncovered these secrets. This inspired a cultural movement to look back to the Greeks and Romans to recover technology. Hope that helps! :)

Renaissance was the rebirth of what?

The Renaissance was the "rebirth" of art, science, and learning after the Middle Ages, especially with regard to the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome.